123456网文网 > 青春校园 > 小妮子:蔷薇的第七夜② >

  我把Black Devil的烟头扔到他脸上,丢下一句“玩不起就别来找茬”摔门而去。

  墨尔本的天空真的很晴朗,晴朗到不允许这天幕下的世界里有任何忧伤。街上行人寥寥,我裹紧外套,双手插袋在风里一个人安静地走。街边的咖啡屋里传来小声而伤感的音乐,是Coldplay乐队的“Swallowed in the Sea”(《沉迷深海》):

  You cut me down a tree


  And brought it back to me


  And that's what made me see


  Where I was going wrong



  And I could write a song


  A hundred miles long


  Well, that's where I belong


  And you belong to me


  And I could write it down


  Or spread it all around


  Get lost and then get found


  Or swallowed in the sea



  And I could write it down


  Or spread it all around


  Get lost and then get found


  And you'll come back to me


  Not swallowed in the sea




  Oh what good is it to live


  With nothing left to give


  Forget but not forgive


  Not loving all you see



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